$25 — 2 Hours

(You may use your Groupon credit towards this class to SAVE)

Amaze yourself with your very own Masterpiece.  Our studio is BYOB and food-friendly with great music! You may arrive up to 30 minutes before scheduled class time.  Each class is professionally instructed and packed full of FUN!

COVID19 Statement and directives — Face masks are strongly recommended and Social Distancing is REQUIRED.  The artist will wear a face mask the entire time and social distance herself.  Upon arriving, the artist will have you sign in, provide you with hand sanitizer to sanitize your hands, and take your temperature using a non-touch thermometer.  If you have a fever, you will not be able to stay and must email us to work out a reschedule. Studio classes are reduced to 50% capacity to allow adequate spacing between tables and seatings.

All sales are final with no refunds.  Same day cancellations cannot be rescheduled.  Reschedules can be made for cancellations made 24 hours or more prior to the event. No shows cannot be rescheduled or refunded.  REGISTRATIONS ARE REQUIRED.

*All ages

Please arrive at 15 minutes prior to class start time to sign in.

Use your $25 or $50 Groupon CREDIT during checkout and SAVE

**Promo Code to apply your credit is in your Groupon instructions**

Groupons are also being accepted at the Snellville Studio at https://www.masterpiecemixerssnellville.com/calendar/

Painting options below are just that, they are options that you choose.  Depending on what you select, the price may be higher or lower.

  •  September 5, 2020
     1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.